======================================================================== Addendum URL: http://www.adden.tr.cx/ Issue# 50 : Say no to Star Wars - Part 2: General Star Wars Rants 17th May 2002 Author: Steak, i do not want to be a Fatuus ======================================================================== [The night of the gruesome] Attack of the [super duper killer] clones [of the incredible cyborgs] With the release of attack of the clones in theaters it seems all I can hear around here and see around here has something to do with these annoying movies, that aren’t really anything special. For gods sake, even that silly little green Muppet 'yoda' was on the front of Australian Time magazine, I never really did hold Australian time magazine in any high regard but now my feelings towards it have dropped a couple of notches. Star wars is aimed at children, the constant barrage of toys, lunch boxes, action figures, console games, and sixth birthday cards just proves it. And yet we have supposedly mature individuals trying to learn the force and find out how to become Jedi. Hello, it's not Real! Two people I know actually went along to the opening night ceremony at twelve o’clock the other night along with there toy light sabers. For god sake people haven’t you ever heard of sleep, no wonder you guys are always so tired. Star wars on it's own is an ok action movie, many people however try and delude themselves that these b-movies are actually science fiction, and blow the entire thing out of proportion. This is wrong, Star wars is not science fiction, it is boring mainstream action just like any other Hollywood action flick. Real science fiction is something that makes you think, has a scientific basis, or makes a radical political statement and does not rely on loud noises, flashes of lazar fire and huge explosions, star wars is simply there to entertain the children. Star Trek could do all of those things but it doesn't want to, it wants to make you think about things and it makes you want to go "wow" with the messages and the twists in the plot. (and no, Luke being Lea’s brother does NOT classify as a radical plot twist) A lot of star wars fans I know all call themselves a names from the franchise, I seem to know quite a lot of Anakins.... A quick search on Bigfoot found this: 156 Anakin Skywalker's 250 Darth Vader's 250 Luke Skywalker's 28 Yoda Yoda's (Bigfoot won't let you search for one name only) 53 Darth Maul You would never see me calling myself Picard, Data or Worf, it seems just silly, and I could never really justify it to myself I much prefer to make up my own names that mean something. But in the end I guess I just have to say fuck them, let them have there fun, they can like their prepackaged, franchised, action movie, they will never know the beauty of star trek because there mind is too closed to accept it. I just wish they would leave me alone and let me enjoy my program in peace with no interference. Addendum to the addendum: I had a rather unfortunate run in with a member of the species homo fatuus who was also a star wars fan today. We shall call him patsy, He was saying some shit and we proceeded to have this 'conversation' Patsy: So yeah, hu, hu, can I dis star trek?! Me: Of course you can but I will endeavor just to laugh at you for the purpose of demonstrating how silly you are Patsy: So yeah, hu, hu Star Trek's shit I was totally knocked back by this total insight in to his wonderful world and I suddenly realized that I had been wrong all along. Not. Like I promised I laughed at him and he then tried to actually elbow me in the face to try and make his point. I managed to dodge it though so that was good What an idiot, you would never see any trekkie doing that. I am sorry to say this but we are quite far above this kind of thing. Second addendum to the addendum He showed me a Star Wars t-shirt today and told me that star trek could never afford that. [enough said] ======================================================================== Addendum (C) Steak May 2002 ========================================================================