:: General information
:: onepound shop / cms XSS and SQL Injection vulnerabilities
:: by Valentin Hoebel
:: valentin@xenuser.org
:: Product information
:: Name = onepound shop / cms
:: Vendor = onepound
:: Vendor Website = http://www.onepound.cn
:: About the product = no information available
:: Affected versions = no information available
:: Google dork = e.g. "inurl:productview.php?id=" and look for Asian shopping portals :D
:: Vulnerabilities
#1 XSS
Several parts of the onepound shop / cms don't filter out HTMl or Java Script code, e.g. the search field.
Example for HTML code:
"><iframe src=http://www.google.de></iframe>
Example for typical XSS URL:
http://some-cool-domain.tld/productinfo.php?keyword="><iframe src=http://www.google.de></iframe>
#2 SQL Injection
On 13th July 2009 Affix <root@root-the.net> discovered that the products.php file is vulnerable for SQL injections.
Browsing their shop systems and testing stuff revealed also other possibilities for injecting SQL stuff. I was not able to find out if the other files were already vulnerable then Affix published his advisory.
Vulnerable URLs:
http://some-cool-domain.tld/productinfo.php?id=[SQL injection]
http://some-cool-domain.tld/productview.php?id=[SQL injection]
Example for injecting SQL stuff:
(Tested on a live website using onepound shop / cms.)
:: Additional information
Sadly I was not able to gather more information about affected versions or products they are selling. Quick checks shows that many websites are using their shop / cms and are vulnerable in many ways.