Pi-Hole Web Interface 2.8.1 - Persistent Cross-Site Scripting in Whitelist/Blacklist









# Exploit Title: Pi-Hole Web Interface Stored XSS in White/Black list file
# Author: loneferret from Kioptrix
# Product: Pi-Hole
# Version: Web Interface 1.3
# Web Interface software: https://github.com/pi-hole/AdminLTE
# Version: Pi-Hole v2.8.1
# Discovery date: July 20th 2016
# Vendor Site: https://pi-hole.net
# Software Download: https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole
# Tested on: Ubuntu 14.04
# Solution: Update to next version.
# Software description:
# The Pi-hole is an advertising-aware DNS/Web server. If an ad domain is queried,
# a small Web page or GIF is delivered in place of the advertisement.
# You can also replace ads with any image you want since it is just a simple
# Webpage taking place of the ads.

# Note: Not much of a vulnerability, implies you already have access
#       to the box to begin with. Still best to use good coding practices,
#       and avoid such things.

# Vulnerability PoC: Stored XSS
# Insert this:
# <script>alert('This happens...');</script>
# In either /etc/pihole/blacklist.txt || /etc/pihole/whitelist.txt
# Then navigate to:
# http://pi-hole-server/admin/list.php?l=white
# or
# http://pi-hole-server/admin/list.php?l=black
# And a pop-up will appear.

# Disclosure timeline:
# July 20th 2016: Sent initial email to author.
# July 21st 2016: Response, bug has been forwarded to web dev people
# July 22nd 2016: Asked to be kept up to date on fix
# July 27th 2016: Author replied saying he shall
# July 28th 2016: - Today I had chocolat milk -
# August 3rd 2016: Reply saying there's a fix, waiting on "Mark" to confirm
# August 3rd 2106: Supplies URL to fix from Github https://github.com/pi-hole/AdminLTE/pull/120
# August 4th 2016: Thanked him for fix, informed him of a lame LFI in the web interface as well.
# August 4th 2016: - While drinking my coffee, I realize my comments are longer than the actual PoC. -
# August 10th 2016: Still nothing
# August 12th 2016: Submitting this is taking too much time to integrate their fix

Notice: This email does not mean I'm consenting to receiving promotional 
emails/spam/etc. Remember Canada has laws.