# Exploit Title: [Files Containing E-mail and Associated Password Lists]
# Google Dork: [site:pastebin.com intext:@gmail.com | @yahoo.com |
@hotmail.com daterange:2457388-2457491 (adjust daterange as required)]
# Date: [04/13/2016]
# Exploit Author: [Stephanie Jensen]
# Contact: [https://twitter.com/Steph_J_]
# Website: [http://www.scriptkittysecurity.com]
This dork searches for all files within pastebin.com containing email
addresses associated with yahoo, gmail or hotmail accounts. Due to the
culture of pastebin.com most entries contain associated passwords for
these email addresses. Setting a relatively recent daterange query
term allows for recent files to be displayed.
site:pastebin.com intext:@gmail.com | @yahoo.com | @hotmail.com
daterange:2457388-2457491 (date range can be changed for recent
listing of files - must use julian dates)