Google Dork : intext:"siemens" & inurl:"/portal/portal.mwsl"
This Google dork, intext:"siemens" & inurl:"/portal/portal.mwsl", reveals
the web interfaces of Siemens S7 series PLC controllers. These interfaces
provide access to critical control and monitoring functions of industrial
systems. Unauthorized access can lead to significant operational
disruptions and security risks in industrial environments.
Proof Of Concept (PoC):
Steps to Reproduce:
1.Open Google Search.
2.Enter the dork query: intext:"siemens" & inurl:"/portal/portal.mwsl".
3.Review the search results to find URLs of Siemens S7 PLC web interfaces.
4. Click on a search result to access the web interface of the PLC.
5.Attempt to log in using default or commonly known credentials (if login
is required).